Thursday, April 15, 2010

Haiku (In other words, poetry)

For some time now I have really enjoyed a certain type of poetry: Haiku. It is an old Japanese way of poems. It has only 17 syllables. So it is short, but elegant and very simple. Here are a few I have written. The first one is a Haiku on how to write Haiku.
First, five syllables
Second, seven syllables
Last, five syllables

This next one I did in honor of Isaac Clark. It describes his lively personality.
Giggles and laughter
Tough as bulls, Sweet as sugar
Full of lots of talk

This one is about the palm trees. That we see ever so often.
"The Palm Tree"
Spiky leaves spread out
It's tall trunk with rings around
Hot weather is home

This one is about ballet that I do.
Graceful strokes in air
High and low, pleasant affair
Beautiful ballet

This one is about crickets.
"Little Crickets"
Crickets chirp evening song
Rubbing legs sound night music
Song sails on night air

More Haiku later! Hope you like them!

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